Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 23, A Modern Prometheus

DoctorVictor Frankenstein had a dream, a dream to conquer death and disease. Not all dreams work out for you the way you would like them too, sometimes you only create the number 2 box office draw movie monster. If torch-wielding mobs had their say, Frankensteinwould be the number one monster of all time. Pieced together from bits and pieces of murderers, thieves and whatever parts were on hand, Frankenstein has smashed, crashed and torn his way through as many movie theatres as the Prince of the Undeadhas.

Over the years many cinematic scientists have attempted to follow in the footsteps of Boris Karloff, some have succeeded,and some have missed the mark. Rarely does a parody outshine an original, but director Mel Brooks surpassed all expectations and gave us the 1974 comedy gem Young Frankenstein. Luck was with Brooks during the filming as he stumbled across the actual props used in the Karloff film. One year later, the film world would be changed forever as a door was opened that could never be closed again.

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