Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 29, having dinner with an old friend

Silence of the Lambsis a delicious example of a movie where the supporting actor over whelms the main characters and steals the attention of the audience. When asked about this movie, most people do not mention Buffalo Bob, or the FBI they simply render an impression of Hannibal Lecter flicking his tongue quickly over his lips. This is a movie that gets into your head, just as the villain of the movie does to the hero of the movie.

Ever since Jack the Ripper terrorized White Chapel, serial killers and lunatics have given audiences a perverse thrill. Silence of the Lambs brings the audience two killers in one movie, all from the safe warm perspective of a young FBI agent. It’s a guilt and calorie free ride, where the audience is rewarded with the exciting possibility of a sequel. Really, what chef could ask for a better complement then the audience doing their best impression of Oliver Twist as they say; “Please sir, can I have some more?”

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